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Find Out Who is Stealing Your Bandwidth

March 10th, 2016 by admin

At Joy! Communications, we announced at the end of January, 2016 that we will be educating our customers on the recent expansion of bandwidth monitoring and management solutions. Bandwidth monitoring is the practice and policy of tracking the utilization of company bandwidth between all employees, software applications and desktops. With the increase in company provided and personal devices connected to an organization’s network, we have also seen a growth of bandwidth solutions in recent times. As stated by the president of Joy! Communications, Peter Engle, “Any company that provides cloud devices, software or applications that run over a data network, needs to ensure that bandwidth is being consumed properly”. Where problems can arise, is when bandwidth solutions are being strained to the point where business owners notice that devices, applications and software underperform. This is as a result of poor policy making and a lack of guidelines for employees on how to properly utilize the internet at a place of business.

The goal of this recent decision to educate our customers on bandwidth monitoring and management, is to make sure that their businesses are performing at more productive levels. With bandwidth being the central resource upon which nearly every technology relies, it is crucial to ensure that it is being consumed in accordance with best practices before any other steps are taken. A company’s network is simply a shared resource that needs some guidelines in place. With a comprehensive bandwidth consumption policy in place, business owners can rest assured that their software, hardware, and online tools will all function at optimal levels. Learn more about the importance of proper internet utilization and best practices:

Posted in: Communications, Resources